Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello all

Hi all I'm back! miss you all. well as you can see Dusty is hanging out in bed again with his kitty alarm clock in the background. well just to let you all know my cancer grew to large for the dr's to get out. almost died a few times in the hospital but am still here. going threw chemo now. don't know how long it will keep me going tho,oh well.i was in the hospital for 2 month's and i missed the hell out of dusty. :( even tho i was unconscious for a month and doped up on morphine the other. WE just celebrated dusty's b-day,big 9yr's old. well just a little tast of pic's of the man dusty and will have some more later on. Namaste all.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hi were back!

Sleepy time aye? this was around 2am. Dusters has been sleeping at the bottom of the bed now for awhile. when patrice comes to bed he comes to bed,we all go to bed,lol.
Just hanging out dude.
Somebody wants a tummy rub.

Dusty just loves to sleep. :) sorry i have not been posting for a while. i have been see doctors for treatments for the cancer and not feeling very good.:( i am trying to save up money to go to roads island to see a surgeon and maybe have them remove the cancer. Hope to start adding more stuff of dusty,it all depends on how i am fealing.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A little play time with my Buddy Dusty :)

Hi all i'm back with some more pic's of dusty. :) sorry about the time off,but my cancer is back and ya know ya got to see doctors and junk hehe. hope to get some more pic's of the king himself soon.
Got to get that itch.
Dusty just loves these foil ball's as you can see. He is just thrilled.
Hmm What? you want me to play with that?
A little pawball any one?
Smell the toy first then maybe we will play with it. Dusty dos not trust anything.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Waiting his turn,hehe.

Boy alot of partying on the 4 of july means line to the bathroom. kitty going to make his own fireworks.
AH! Dustys evil eye for anyone wanting to cut in line for the bathroom,hehe.
My buddy making sure no one is sneaking around the corner to cut in line to use the bathroom,hehe. this is true that when dusty goes into the bathroom and the door is open,he will close the door to use his box,no lie,lol. i wish i could get it on video.

Monday, June 30, 2008


If anybody would like to become a friend of the dusters like the fuzzy critter hanging out in the tree. just email your pic of your favorite cat or any other critter and i will put it up on Dusty's blog. email your pic to( thanks. ;)
Well i caught one of Dusty's friends hanging out at the park. i had to share this. i was geocaching in the park today with my handheld gps. and this little critter was standing only 2 feet away and i had my camera. so i got a few shots of him.

A rare site to be seen,Dusty playing?lol. what! Dusty getting some exercises. he is one lazy cat,all he wants is a tummy rub,lol.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A little sun in the morning, then up all night

Here are some pic's of Dusty sun bathing on the first day of summer. :)
He loves his morning sun.
Well i caught my buddy up last night playing with his ball's. one of his ball's ha a bell in it that rings even when he moves at the end of the bed. that's where he sleeps at night with us. last night i got him with this ball that made out of a typ of foil.